美国燃料乙醇价格上涨 工业需求依然强劲

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 中国石化新闻网讯 据ICIS网站7月8日消息 美国能源信息署(EIA)数据显示,上周汽油和燃料乙醇需求增加,美国燃料乙醇现货价格本周上涨。




    王磊 摘译自 ICIS


    US fuel ethanol prices rise, industrial demand remains strong

    US spot fuel ethanol prices rose this week as the US Energy Information Administration (EIA) numbers showed that demand for gasoline and fuel ethanol were boosted last week.

    US gasoline sales at the pump have fallen off since 4 July, according to sources. Demand in states with a high amount of confirmed coronavirus cases has doubled. Meanwhile, refiners continue to raise utilisation rates.

    Q3 industrial contracts remain under discussion, delayed by the Independence Day holiday in the US, but remain pressured by strong demand and little available supply.

    Ethanol is used as a gasoline blendstock, in pharmaceuticals, and in food and beverage applications, such as hand sanitizers and vodka.

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